I don't have a great deal of time to add any posts. But sadly I occasionally make it to facebook. I'm actually getting rather annoyed seeing these pictures but I did find a rather funny one. As I said there, I wouldn't mind a few more students like the bottom center. Since this is a joke thread I thought I would include some gansta nicknames I've been considering for ancient and modern prophets:
Parley P. Pratt is...Triple P.
Brigham Young is...B Yo. That might be too close to "B.O." but I'm a white guy from Utah so you'll have to work with me.
Wilford Woodruff is...Wow wow. You can hardly pronounce all those "w"s without stuttering.
Amalickiah is...Micky Long Dagger. The Irish have gangs too.
Mormon is...Mo shizzle. His long name would be Mo shizzle in this hizzle my dizzle.
B.H. Roberts is...RoBo Huh! (That is the edited version.)
Ammoron is...A to the m m run. The long version would be A to the m m run on dun to the stun gun Yeah Ba-By!
Teancum is...T Czzz. That one might end up like the "one"ders where nobody knows how to pronounce it.
Joseph F. Smith is...The Beard.
Orson Pratt is...O Po.
Aha is...generic warrior number 4.
Morgan Deane is...D Mo, Panther Cantrell if you go by my porn name, Jailhouse Baby Dupree if you go by my blues name, and Morhonda Codeine if you go by my Jedi name.
Do you have any to add? I would love to see them below.