Sunday, August 30, 2009

Me as a Teaching Assistant

Well two days before classes were supposed to begin I received word that my classes were cancelled due to low enrollment. My reaction was about as priceless as the "Hitler as a T.A." video I posted a little while back. So I'm sorry I haven't posted anything substantive but I have been scrambling to find another teaching position. I still have some good ideas, its simply been hard to concentrate on blogging when the rug gets pulled out from under you.


  1. Hang in there Morgan! You will be blessed 100 fold when the time is right. Just keep being obedient!

  2. Sorry to hear that Morgan. Are you adjunct? I had a similar thing happen to me this past summer semester. I had 2 classes, they canceled them, and then they did give me 1 class at the last minute, which helped some. However, the pay was so low, that I was still eligible for unemployment.

    The funny thing is I asked to teach 3 classes for fall semester. The day before my dept chair offered me 3 classes, I got a job offer someplace else (which paid better and was full-time.) So, I had to decline the 3 classes.

    Good luck. I feel like I've walked in your shoes--and it's nice to buy a new pair!

  3. Yes, I got hired as an adjunct but then they gave me so little work that I qualify for food stamps. But I've applied to many other adjunct positions so hopefully one of those will go through.

  4. I'll bet Salt Lake Community College is hiring! They've got 50,000 students and 9 campuses (and boast small class sizes--my largest class has been 35). I just saw a newspaper article saying they were hiring lots of adjuncts.... They just started the semester, but they do teach some 1/2 semester classes starting in Oct. The first semester I taught, I started with an Oct class.

  5. Thanks for the heads up. Thats about the fifth adjunct pool I've joined. Even if I get hired, I will have to move and live Mexican style, sending all my money home.

  6. So, sorry. Morgan.

