Saturday, August 15, 2009

Poor Life Choice

I've had people ask me why I wanted to find employment before completing or even starting a PhD program. The answer lies in this Simpsons clip. I didn't want to be a professional student who makes $600 a year and made a "poor life choice". I was worried that I would simply be in school for another 5 years with still no credible chance of finding a job. But I found a job in this environment competing against people with PhDs. With that behind me I know I can go to a PhD program and at least a decent job at the end of it. I hope all of you enjoy the clip.


  1. Good one. This makes me appreciate what you do all the more.

  2. As someone who just finished grad school, that really made me laugh!!!!! Good luck with the Ph.D! I'm stopping with my poor life choice for now, but maybe I'll go back for a PhD later.
